just cuz

07/26/2009 § 2 Comments

Since we aren’t on tour right now, and I’m not even in the same town as the rest of the guys, I feel like there isn’t much to talk about. In the interest of updating, heres a little something.
The Somewhere… vinyl preorders are up now and the first 100 get a screen printed D-Side record, as well as a 2 color paper print. While I still haven’t figured out what I’m going to do for it, here is a cell phone picture of my first draft. Not too keen on the idea after drawing it and inking it and everything, so I’m goin to have to give it at least one more try.

it came out more cluttered than it looked in my head, and i think the idea is cloudier than intended. i’d love to hear feedback on it and suggestions for alternate designs i could attempt.

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