Thanks for chatting

04/07/2011 § 4 Comments

the yowie chat was really fun. thanks so much to erica for setting it up for us, and we apologize if we were super awkward or if some of the guys were a bit soft spoken. and that damn cute cat that popped into the frame every now and then.

if you missed it, i think you can watch the whole 100 minute session here:

And a couple notes about stuff we talked about:
Our mailing address is
La Dispute
PO Box 6552
Grand Rapids MI 49516.

we’ve received a bunch of nice letters and postcards and records and stuff, and really appreciate it.

also, our new merch store is here:

my comic book (if there are any left) is available at the no sleep store and more of my artwork at my website. forgive me for shameless plugs.

hopefully we’ll be doing stuff like that more, we all had a good time. our bud dave summers gets here tomorrow so we can show you some photos and maybe videos of us working in the studio. we’ve been working really hard and it sounds awesome so far, can’t wait to show you the result.

a thank you:

03/21/2011 § 1 Comment

goes out to those of you who have taken time out of your day to write to us. We’ve received some wonderful letters and postcards in the last couple weeks! We’re lucky to have such great friends.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

La Dispute
P.O. Box 6552
Grand Rapids, MI 49516

post tour thank-you’s

04/09/2010 § 2 Comments

thanks once again to everyone who made the last 3 weeks so enjoyable. thanks to all our new friends, old acquaintances, folks who came to a show, folks who set up a show, anyone who said a kind word, drove a long distance, or let us sleep on their floor. it really does mean the world, and we appreciate it more than you know.

it would be near impossible to mention everyone, but I attempted a list of sorts. again, this doesn’t even come close to thanking all of you, but here’s what my fatigued brain came up with.

(please familiarize yourself with every single one of these people)

Kevin at Top Shelf Records
All the good looking dudes in Pianos Become The Teeth
Mr. Will Evans at Emo’s
James Taylor at Giant Steps Productions
Nick and the gang from OKC for setting up an amazing show and being some of the kindest guys I know
Matt, Merrick, and Cody at The Kenmore Agency (real bowling next time)
Lukas (who looks really mature without his lip ring) from United Nations
Andrew Everding and all the fine gentlemen of Thursday
Joey and Parry at Stadium Red
The kid who drew on Xzibit
All our new friends in Defeater and Make Do and Mend
My Heart to Joy for being all around sweethearts
All the great guys in Octaves (I owe you one Bob)
Scott and the boys at Miracle at 34th (sorry ’bout the cops brothers)
Dan and Sean at Blood and Ink
And our best friends in the world Native and Touche Amore.

a very special thank you to our dear friend Colin. one of the greatest people I’ve met in my life. ever.

(forgive me if I missed anyone. i love you too.)

updates concerning both upcoming tours will be posted shortly. stay tuned.

oh, and check out our buddy KOJI. I got to hang out with him wednesday night and every time I spend time with him I feel refreshed. he’s changing lives. love you buddy.


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