Coming Announcements.

08/20/2011 § 35 Comments

It’s been awhile since I’ve been here, particularly in this manner.

It’s a little stressful.

Stressful because I want to make it so astonishingly interesting that everyone who reads this will get so overwhelmed with excitement that they’ll write it backwards on their face to remember to come back or who cares just curious enough to consider coming back that they put a note in their phone or something.  Because of the work behind it. Because of all the hours of planning and all the hours of writing and then that feeling when it comes together or when sound is just right, or when someone hits that part and everybody shouts, those feelings. Because it had to be mixed in 5 days. Because the master wasn’t quite right. Because the artwork wasn’t done. Because we spent more than one night in an unfurnished apartment trying dear God to stay awake. Because of the coffee. The Red Bull. Because the food cart was finally open. Because Popeye’s was closed. Because there’s vegan food at the grocery store down the street. Because of Millennium market. Because Xzibit just recorded here. Because Dave Summers drove to Chicago. Because you have to spin the disc before the Dreamcast will play the game. Because Dave Summers drove to New York.  Because Joey and Andrew did so fucking much. Because it’s been 3 years and we put everything into it and it’s done now it’s over. Because we want you to hear it, at least. If you don’t like it, well, then you don’t like it. But we want you to hear it. Because we care about it.

The initial plan was to do something artistic and mysterious to cue you in—some cool video or something—but time didn’t allow for it and that’s probably for the best. No need to dress this up. Not anymore than I’ve already done. Plus, those who want to come back will come back regardless of what we do here, and those are the people that I want to come back the most. So here goes, and my apologies for getting carried away:

Next week Tuesday we’ll be closing the behind-the-scenes chapter of making a record and beginning the next one, the public one, with an important announcement. On top of that one, some other neat changes and surprises will accompany. So come back here then, this coming Tuesday, the 23rd.

Until then,

-Jordan, Kevin, Brad, Vass, Chad.



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