HH3 Art

12/21/2009 § 5 Comments

HH3 Vass Preview from La Dispute on Vimeo.

album art via Adam Vass and David Summers

Ups & Downs

11/11/2009 § 9 Comments

Down – I lost everything on my computer. Every program and file that I didn’t have backed up somewhere (which was most) got erased. Life happens.

Up – I got to replace my old photoshop CS1 with CS3 and have been exploring all the new features today. also replaced fruityloops 8 with 9, not much difference there. still hoping to get adobe illustrator cs 3 or 4; i downloaded 4 but had a problem with a keygen.

and from my messing with photoshop and my tablet comes the following. what do you think of it as a shirt design? might be getting some made before the december tour with native. if you like my artwork, you can see more of it at my sporadically updated blog of my own, http://adamvass.wordpress.com.

LDhandshake copy

Side note, our best friends in Touche Amore are coming through our neck of the woods soon and it is our goal to show them a crazy good time. We’ll be with them for 4 days, the 19-22 in Kalamazoo, Ann Arbor, Grand Rapids, and Chicago respectively. We aren’t playing the GR show, but some of us are in another band called ENDS and we might play it. There is more information about all of these shows in our shows listing, but for the sake of staying on topic of things i made today, heres a flyer for the first of four: kalamazoo.
11192009 copy

I miss my old fonts and photoshop brushes already. If you have any suggestions for things I should do with my newly revamped computer, leave a comment. And get a new one isn’t a valid suggestion, unfortunately; i haven’t a nickel to my name.

I'm a lot happier now than I was this time last year.


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