
Go –>HERE<– for all lyrics.

§ 55 Responses to lyrics

  • ana lan says:

    Your music is heavenly and your lyrics are amazing…
    is there any way we could read the ones from Here, Hear III?

    I loved the whole new project/idea/sound of Here, Hear.

    stay true.

  • ana lan says:

    nevermind, I found them.

  • Jordan says:

    “what’s left is a heartbeat speaking, hands off your fate child you’ll bury yourself in mistakes”

    its hard to choose one line from any song. but this one gets me everytime. pure genius.

  • Nick says:

    I see a beauty springing upward from the earth and from out our hearts.
    For all the bad that seems to plague us, I swear to you there’s good.

    thats incredible.
    jordan, you are one truley inspirational poet.

  • AngelIsabella says:

    Not once have I found a band as inspiring as La Dispute. There isn’t a song of their’s that I don’t like. My mom even likes you guys.

    ” Let our hands be hatchets, let us wander blindly, swinging madly, in a forest made of flesh.”

    By far one of your best songs. Oh wait, all of your songs are the best. See what I did there?

    So basically: mind=blown.

  • Chris says:

    You guys are for sure my favorite band and i wish i could see you guys live.Come to alabama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Billy Ouellette says:

    i see you guys every time youre in michigan, and im going on a roadtrip this weekend to see you 3 times. i could never pick a favorite lyric because the lyrics tell a story. the lovewill always be there

  • Diego says:


  • frank says:

    the last lost continent is so great, so much which i can find myself in… thanks for your great music

  • Bryan says:

    I heard about you guys almost a few months ago from a good friend of mine. I must say, within the first day, I was enchanted. The second day, La Dispute became one of my favorite bands. The lyrics are so genius, the music so mesmerizing and beautiful. The vocals are very unique, and convey such strong emotion. La Dispute is a masterpiece. Some of my personal favorites include “Said The King To The River”, “Fall Down, Never Get Back Up Again”, “The Last Lost Continent”, and “See You In Vancouver”. I am anticipating a new full-length from you guys, as that would make my life complete.

  • Kasio says:

    my first tattoo will be lyrics from either “Bury your Flame” or “Future Wars” both songs have saved me from a lot of lonely drunken nights. I admire you guys more then you’ll ever take into account. thank you for doing what you do. see you on May 8th & 9th !

    • catie says:

      I was listening to bury your flame last night while driving and just started bawling, overwhelmed with how much the lyrics meant to me especially right now. I too would like to get a tattoo of the lyrics…not sure what yet though

  • Jade says:

    Are you guys going to post the lyrics to the new songs you played in Grand Rapids, March 5th?

  • Yana says:

    I appreciate you & your music. ❤

  • Celine says:

    “I should’ve stopped to paint our picture,
    Captured honest pure affection,
    Just to document the difference between attraction and connection.”

    Seriously, those are the most amazing sentences ever written.

    My bf and I promised each other that we’ll see you guys live at least on time before we die. You can’t imagine how happy I am now when I’m about to see you in Denmark.

  • Adam says:

    I wish I couldn’t pick a favorite song but I can. The Last Lost Continent. Seems that alot of people love that one (and with good reason!). I’ll unfortunately never be able to express how much that song means to me but what i can say is this. It is my favorite song ever. PERIOD. Thank you guys. Your music is literally the sound of emotion. Thats an amazing talent.


  • Tara sue says:

    You’re lyrics have moved me in more ways than words can explain. Keep up the good work all of you. Looking forward to the new 7″ and another LP. You’re show in Philly was amazing. My friends and I sang our hearts out with you guys. It was great to talk to some of you too. You know where to find me. Come to Jersey again!

  • Tara sue says:

    “But I’m torn, and reborn, see I died when you left. But each word since that day was your name from my chest.”

    Absolutely amazing. I lost my best friend two months ago and these lyrics blew my mind.

  • beingbrittany says:

    I figure that this is lyrically related…
    So, I was listening to you guys one night, while I was sketching out some ideas of what I should do for my acrylic painting in art class, and while listening to Only Everything Below, I came up with the idea of this:

    Just wanted to show you guys that and give a big thanks for the inspiration. You guys are truly amazing. Keep it up and be safe in all your travels!

  • Logan says:

    … I thank you guys. I just need to thank you. Your songs bring tears to my eyes, just the beauty of them. You are amazing. Every time I hear “eight” I just want to go to San Diego, and go to the corner of Fourth and E Streets, and see the daylight and midnight worlds for myself… Too bad I live in Maine, and am not leaving here any time soon.

  • Sam Gwinn says:

    Hi, i have listened to you guys for a while now and you are truly amazing. i have always been awed by your lyrics and the raw emotion you can put into them. i saw you guys live for the first time at bled fest last week and just the energy of the show was the highest of anny concert i’ve been to. i was at bled fest all day and you guys were clearly the most anticipated band there. there were so many people crowding the main stage when you guys came on that i couldnt move, and moshers didnt even have the space to fall over.

    your music is great and your poetic lyrics are the best i have ever read or heard. i cant wait to attend you’re next show. way to represent michigan music.

    see you in vancouver

  • Sam says:

    So, I finally got my la dis tattoo, and it’s perfect. I can’t think of anything better to put on my body forever. It’s two hearts made out of lyrics, one says “what is life without a purpose” and the other says “what is purpose without love”.
    You guys are some of the most amazing people I’ve ever met. I saw you play in Pittsburgh, and I cried, because it was the most overwhelming thing that I could have ever done. I don’t think words can explain how much you and your music means to me, but now I have it forever.
    <3, Sam.

  • Daniel says:

    I was suicidal the night I first listened to your music.
    The next day wasn’t, and have not felt even a pang of it since.
    That’s all I really know to say other than thank you.

  • William says:

    You’re lyrics are superb, easily the best within your spectre of music. That specific stanza during ‘The Last Lost Continent’ beginning with the ‘But I still see him’ makes my hairs stand up, perfect delivery.

    Best lyric to me however would be ‘I think I saw you in my dreams you were stitching up the seams on every broken promise that your body couldn’t keep.’ I didn’t think it at first, but ’tis actually a rather clever idea.

    See you if ever you return to Austraila.

  • fubar says:

    “But there was no sharp pain this time,
    Just the ghost of your presence compressing my chest like a vine.
    An unshakeable absence,
    Like most of my insides crawled out through my mouth and went west. But that’s fine.”

    i get chills just reading it. you guys are amazing.

  • Zack says:

    I’ve recently started listening to you guys, and you are my favorite, along with Thursday, and they’ve been my favorite for years. ‘Nuff said.

  • Zachary says:

    I love your music, you guys should come to Norfolk, VA 🙂

  • Lo says:

    So, I just recently fell in love with your music. The lyrics are so powerful and brilliantly written, I love the style and unique sound you guys produce. I can not wait for new concert dates to be announced! I’m so there anywhere in, near, or around Ohio!

  • Zac Lindsay says:

    I’m really bummed that I can’t find any videos on YouTube of you guys playing Last Blues for Bloody Knuckles live. It’s my favorite song on “Somewhere…”. You guys should totally do an epic music video for it when you have time. The Such Small Hands video still amazes me everytime I watch it.

  • Tanner Decker says:

    You guys are, in my honest opinion, the best thing to happen to the post-hardcore genre of music, if not music in general.
    Nine gives me goosebumps.
    I love you guys,
    I can’t wait until the new album comes out next year.

  • Phoenix says:

    Your words hit like something of both past and prophecy. The meanings transcending so completely that I see their manifestation everywhere in my existence. They cut me in every instant and make me bleed myself into the moment more fully than I have have ever known. Truly, all I am and can be is love from this point forward, and you helped me see it. I am in awe and can never thank you enough.

    If there is any possibility of you having time this tour to stop in Iowa City, the punk bar is called Gabe’s and it’d be super easy to arrange something at short notice. If not, please keep it in mind for next time. There would be more than enough room at my house for all of you to have a place to stay while here. If you are at all interested, don’t hesitate to ask, I am in all of your debt.

  • Dominique says:

    I LOVE you guys.
    I’ve seen y’all live twice in Houston & it was amazing.
    I SOOO can’t wait to see y’all again. 🙂

  • doro says:

    “how I feel”, “why it scares me”, “andria”, “such small hands”, “fall down”,……WOW

    I love your lyrics!
    It seems like a mirror of my soul…
    and your metaphors are impressive!
    (so i hope you will come to germany one day, that I can feel your music in my veines and feel with it..)

    love, doro

  • riley the 13 year old says:

    im the only 13 yearold that listens to your music, when im listening to yalls music I put it on repeat and every song from you guys are amazing and paints a story…favorite band!

    • Asha says:

      Age shouldn’t matter when it comes to music! I hate people who think that just because we’re young we shouldn’t listen.

      Ps. I’m 13 too so you’re not alone anymore 🙂

  • David S. says:

    I gotta say, I’ve been going through a lot lately. I’ve been growing rather despondent in a world that seems to be growing colder around me. I found you guys on when they were streaming Damaged Goods as part of their “Know Your Label” segment. I was instantly hooked by the vocal delivery and the musicianship. After buying your entire discography, you guys have a seat in my circle of favorite bands. I love the poetry references I find in the music.

    Like I said, life has been giving me hell lately, and your music is helping me get through it. I hear hope in your music, and I hope to write music like you guys. You inspired me.

    And I thank you.

  • Alex S. says:

    The lyrics for ‘Andria’ blew me away, reading through them it feels like i’ve had a very similar emotional experience as described in these lyrics. This girl i loved, she lived in norway and was called Andrea. “I remember panicked circles in the terminal in tears. How I wept to god in fits…
    I’ve hated airports ever since.” Amazing.

    I’m very new to your music, and i can only say no other band has ever made me feel the same way as your music does. And also you guys seem like such good people.

    I just wanted to know, what’s the story & inspiration behind this song?

  • Dallas says:


    i’ve just downloaded here, hear I, II, and II.

    this is some of the best spoken word i’ve ever heard.

    i’m so sorry i only gave you 5 dollars for all of it.

  • pants. says:

    iv never had a favorate band, ever! then one day while i was in the car with my boyfriend he was playing you guys and at first i was like hmmmm no im okay you can turn it off. then it got into my head and then the next week i realized i was listening to you guys every day! i baught your cd and sence then there hasent been a day that i havent listend to you guys. im still not sick of the same old songs! i take your music really seriously and get mad when people say something negative about you guys.
    you know what would be really cool and would probably make my life? if you guys came to toledo, ohio. alot of people here like/love you.

  • You guys together are a masterpiece.

  • bryce moore says:

    you guys seriously amaze the hell out of me. at 15 years old, i listen to your music every day and have driven 4 friends away from suicide via your amazing music and lyrics. you are the only thing in the world that i feel like i couldnt live without, and ive made it a goal to personally meet each of you. though i doubt youll read this, id love nothing more than for you to come to seattle and to email me

  • Matt Lynch says:

    3. New Storms for Older Lovers
    “I’ve come here as a man in shambles—worn out from begging on my knees. Please, I’m just trying to keep my family together. Now, when you saw you’re lover wore a ring around her finger, why didn’t you stop?

    “You’re lover wore a ring around her finger, why didn’t you stop?”

    Is it supposed to be “You’re” or is this a typo?

  • Nathan D says:

    Have you guys ever considered publishing your lyrics into a book? I would love to have a hard copy to add to my home library.

  • Jacob Collins-Wilson says:

    To Jordan Dreyer (and Mr. Nathan D.),

    I want to get you a publisher to publish your lyrics and also publish a compilation of music as poetry using your, Listener and other such bands lyrics as the content. Please e-mail me back so I can get your words out to people like Nathan who want those words always, always, always, always (get it?).


  • xiao xin says:

    The first time I heard your music was when you guys were on tour with Alexisonfire, therefore I am, and trash talk. My cousin Alex likes alexisonfire a lot, so she invited me to the show with her. When we got there I honestly wasn’t to excited, because I’m not really all that into alexisonfire. You guys were the first band to play and you opened with the song Andria as I was listening to the lyrics I was completely blown away. I had never heard such amazing lyrics before, the metaphors and imagery that you guys created was just completely amazing. After I heard you guys open I was comparing the other bands playing after you guys and they didn’t even come close to what you guys were playing. I listen to all of your songs each and everyday. Your music has done a lot for me. You guys are a truly amazing band and I can’t wait till you guys come out with more songs.

  • Asha says:

    ‘I guess loves a funny thing the way it fades away without a warning, it doesn’t ask to be excused and when it’s gone oh it’s gone
    it ain’t ever coming back there is nothing you can do to save it,
    to make it breathe the way it did when you were sliding on the ring
    trust me it’s gone for…good’ That is my favourite bit of my favourite song from my favourite band 😀

  • Emily says:

    Your lyrics look like my diary.
    I don’t know where I’d be without you guys.
    Can’t wait to see you live sometime.
    I will FOREVER and ALWAYS love you ALL.
    La Dispute ♥

  • Angelina says:

    The passion of your music is so tangible. I started listening to you while I was struggling with some pretty bad depression and I felt like I could relate to so much of what was going on in your songs. Your lyrics are so encouraging and so honest. I thank you so much for playing the way you do. It reminds me to keep my head up, and that there is still time and hope for things to be better. I can’t wait to see you guys October 8th in Orlando, Florida! 🙂

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